Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's been a while since I have updated, sorry. 
I have so many projects that I am working on and want to work on, but I just had to post a few pictures of the bibs that I finally finished.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fabric I picked and couldn't wait to start/finish them- that and my little Bugaboo really needed a few more bibs.
I love Riley Blake's Wheels, and I found some of the fabric at a fabric store- shocked because you can't find it anywhere any more I had to buy some.  But my only problem was I felt I couldn't justify the purchase unless I knew exactly what I was going to do with it, I already have so much fabric and if my Hubby asked why I bought it, I had to have a solid reason.  After much thought I went back to the fabric store and bought it to make some bibs, and other projects!!!!  Then I went back for more later because I wanted to get some other matching fabric, and I found the cutest turtle fabric ever.  Let me just say that I LOVED how it all turned out!

Well, apparently I don't know why it wont switch the picture the correct way, it's right in my computer, but it wont load correctly here- hummmm.  Well, I started out by picking some cars and appliqued them onto a towel:

Then I sewed around them, cut out some fabric to cover the back and made some binding for around it.  Turned out pretty darn cute.  The turtle bib was made from a towel I found at Target!!!  The Fabric is Robert Kaufman Urban Zoologie or something similar to that.  I can't wait to make more:

Here's the back of the bibs:

 I have plans and fabric to make another bib from Riley Blakes Scoot fabric- I can't wait to show that one off!!!

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